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the Power of Prayer
Do You Want to Start Something ==========================================================
How about something that can:
- Help you understand facts like: there is a real God, Who He is, what He requires of you
- Actually do you some real good, while entertaining you, and challenging your mind
- Help you become a deliverer of His Good News to others around you
- Allow you to be a lot more helpful to others like: your friends, family and all that you meet
- Help you learn about the real world around you, as well as the powers that are for and against you
- Help you defeat Satan’s wishes, both for you, and the whole world, by assisting God’s will
- Make you truly feel good, way down deep inside
- Have the ability to bring you great joy, comfort, peace, and contentment
- Be extremely interesting, teaching you things solid, factual, provable, and eternal
- Teach you real absolutes, things that satanic powers don’t want you to know
- Help you become someone who is always working to bring a peace to this world
- Help change the world, for the better, for many of God’s children
- Help you change yourself
--- Help change your attitude, about many things, for the better
--- Help you learn to become a better person, like being:
----- Kind
----- Nice to be around
----- Happy
----- Content
----- Tolerant
The Bible, God’s manual for how to live a long and good life, can do all of these things,,,
-- The only thing that you have to do,,,
----is you must read it
If you decide that you want to start something like this, please read on
Things that I think everyone should know
- Life is a permanent thing
- Once you are born, life is a eternal state of being
- You have been given the greatest gift that God could ever give you
--- He created you out of nothing
--- He made you in His Image
----- Father = mind
----- Son = body
----- Holy Spirit = soul, (personality)
The Bible is Truth, and really is the Word of God
- Yes there really is a God, and we are wonderfully made, not a product of mistakes
- This universe did not evolve, God created it for us to exist in
--- He has put His signature on all of His creation
------ He is the part of our reality that cannot be explained
--------- The part where the odds argue against it
--- Prophecy proves it
------ All of the prophecies that were in the past, came true
--- The Bible code is amazing, He wrote most everything in History in code,
----- Which can only be found, after it occurs.
----- This is because, only then, can we search with the key words
----- This is God’s way of proving, that He does know the future,
-------- The end, from the beginning, without disturbing the time line
----- The Bible code far surpasses any ideas of random occurrence
--- How can you explain away, words written in words, only the Mind of God knows
--- Just imagine,,, if you can,
----- The intelligence of God,,,
------- I assure you, it does not even scratch the surface,,,
- The history in it can be counted on
--- Most all that is written in it, can be thoroughly verified
--- The stuff that cannot be verified, is of insignificant quantity and quality to argue
----- It helps builds faith or will
------- God does not want to deceive you, that’s Satan’s method
----- (The flood), is evident by the facts,
------- But the facts are covered up
------- Facts are not disclosed
------- Or are never looked for
----- They are still future events, which are yet to happen
----- Some things are not easily provable, to help build faith
- It is the road map to eternal peace and happiness
- The Bible holds all the rules for us to live byGod wants everyone to live, an even better life, than we can ever possibly imagine.
- He wants us all to learn about Him, and become His children
--- Even the ones who deny Him, and are bound for eternal separation from Him
----- He hands them every possible chance to learn of Him
------- So they are responsible for their fate
- God knows us completely
--- He is a just God
--- The people that never hear about Him or Salvation, are people that would not care
- He made us so that we could enjoy each other in peace, throughout etermity
--- He wants us to be happy
--- Us being happy, brings Him joy also
Reasons to Believe
Future events
Things to keep in mind
There are some that say
- I should not try to prove that there is a God
- That it has to be about faith, and is not meant to be tangible
- Well it is about faith,,, you do have to involve faith, in believing what I say, my calculations,
my logic, my intentions being for the good,
- I would rather that you don’t have too much faith in what I say, and do all the calculations and proving of His Word for yourself
- I wish to evoke in others, the unshakable faith in His Word, the Bible, that I have come to gain, through steady trial and error,,, and its continuous proven reliability
Hello there,
---My name is Joe, and I was paralyzed in an automobile accident, late one night in the summer of 1996. I would have to state emphatically, that my faith in God, and the determination that He inspires, to “never give up”, was what brought me through that tragedy. That “never give up” motto, is one that should be for us all, Christians, disabled, and the whole world. I surely lost a lot that day, my use of my legs and my trunk muscles, or the ability to sit up. I also lost my ability to earn a living for myself. I even lost the means of being able to keep myself, but I work hard every day to gain things back, and remedy that hindrance.
---I lost one whole year of my life, as it blanked out part of my long-term memory, 6 months prior to the accident and 6 months after the accident. These times have never came back to me. I lost almost all my short-term memory, and even some of my cognitive abilities. I also lost some things that were more on the enjoyment side of living, which includes everything from: all food making me feel nauseous, and worst of all - losing my ability to dreamscape, (knowing that you are dreaming, and having complete control over them). That was something that was also a good thing, as I use to get away with too much, just because I knew it was a dream.
---One good thing that the accident has done to improve me, is that it has put a needed dent into my pride, as I was over confident with my abilities to be totally independent and self-sufficient. If it were not for my faith in the Lord God Almighty, I can’t see myself making it through it. Thankfully I accepted Jesus in the late 80’s, before the accident, because I can’t imagine doing it without Him. I don't think that I would have made it this far, as I might have just given up on life, secluded myself away and wallowed in self-pity. I don't like to admit it, but I was never one for dealing with second best. I think, as I was growing up, that I was more than a little superficial; always felling that I had to be in the running for the lead position, or why even enter the contest. I know, painful thoughts of immature and prideful youth, thinking like everybody on TV.
---In the accident, I guess that I died twice, once in the ambulance and then again at the hospital. Then I guess that they wrote me off, at first thinking that I was brain dead, and going to stay a vegetable, or close to it. So they ask my family, my brother, if my family wanted to turn the machines off, which were keeping me alive. Thankfully my bro did not want me to let me off that easily, without him getting a chance to ball me out first,,, lol. So he said “NO”, and kept me alive. Thank you bro,,,, I was so thankful, that I had my faith before the accident, as it helped me immensely, in dealing with my change of living conditions.
---I was recently thinking, how that my faith helped me accept + deal with all of my injuries. I think that I first probably asked Him to take me to heaven, and could not see any use in staying here on earth. I hope that leaving me here, means that He still has a use for me, as I have since thought that I could use what brains that I have left, to help bring His Word to this godless world, that we now find ourselves living in. I have taken a few IQ tests, to see if I still had the hardware, to build and use the needed weapons and armor for the spiritual warfare, which I was thinking of getting myself into. I took 3 different IQ tests, I scored above average in all of them.
---I was surely surprised, but I was even more pleased, that He left me with most of my brainpower, that I might be able to use this mind that He has blessed me with, to become ”One_Christian_Warrior”. This is just “one” of many, as I hope to start, with the power and scope of the world wide web, a Pre-Trib Force. This group is to assist people all around this world. Maybe you will hear of my battles on the web, as I hear that the word out there is, that us Christians aren't usually too smart. I guess that they think that we are all feeble minded, and are just taking the easy way out, by accepting this so called myth, of there actually being a Creator.
---Who knows, maybe I will be able to show a few intellectuals, the logic in taking the “easy way out”, thereby gaining a few more Christian Warriors. I don't know about you, but even though I have plenty that I wish that I could do before His eminent return, I want Him to return today. This is not only to receive my new glorified body, as He said we would get new bodies like His, these glorified bodies not only can walk, but even walk through walls. Somewhere I even heard that we would be able to move so fast, that we could move anywhere's in the universe, as fast as we can think it. This blessed Bible declares, that the speed of light threshold can be surpassed.
---I would like to have the time to bring all my friends and family to the realization of their need to accept Jesus into their hearts. But I wish Jesus would return today, to remove those saints who are on the real front lines, getting maimed and killed for their faith. I don't like to think of others suffering, especially when they are my new family in Christ. This is why I wrote this nest of web pages. I'm doing my part in bringing Mathew 24:14 to come to pass. The “end” talked about here is not the end of the world, as we are promised that the world will never end. This is a mistranslation, meaning only the end of the “age”, the Christian age, and then Jesus will return.
may God bless you,
and help you discover the Truth,
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