Hello,My name is Joe, and this is my first blog.
What I want to do with this blog,,, is quite a few things:
(1) = I hope to bring mankind, I mean non-believers, to the knowledge of the existence of God.(2) = I want to prove, beyond all probabilities, that the Bible speaks only the Truth, and the God of the Bible is the real God.
(3) = I want all people to understand that there truly is “good + bad”.
I want to dispell this false idea that ”everthing is relitive”.
I want to refute Satan’s false teaching, that there is no “right and wrong”.
(4) = I want to warn this world, of Jesus soon return, in the rapture, (Rev 4:1), “,,,behold, a door was opened in heaven: ,,,which said, Come up hither,,,”
His promise to the Church. I want the whole world, to understand their immediate need to take Jesus Christ as their savior.
I wish to show them why I believe that Christ must return, before 2020.
Millions of His believers will simply vanish off this earth.
(5) = I want the people to understand, how His return is in two parts:
---(1st) His secret return, “in the clouds", to collect us believers, where millions will vanish off this earth, before the tribulation, (Rapture), [Rev 4:1]
---(2nd) Then again after the seven biblical years, (2520 days) of tribulation, where He appears in all His glory, “every eye will see Him”. (Second Coming), [Rev 19:11] Of which, I do not claim to know for sure, if the before 2020 date is the rapture, (1 Thes 4:17)-“Then we which are alive,,, shall be caught up,,, to meet the Lord in the air” before the the seven years of tribulation,,, or when Christ returns i
(6) = I hope to start a group of believers, a Pre-Trib Force, that would assist me, in getting His Word out. I’m hoping to gain allies, who will assist me in searching for and getting the truth out.
(7) = I wish to show others, believers and non-believers, the work that I have been doing on Bible study, for the past 15 years. So that they can share in my efforts for Him, and won’t have to reinvent the wheels, which I have already done so much work on.all of my blogs come from my websites ---- the start is
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