The great reasoning for choosing Christ
(1) He is God, the second Peronage, (being or entity) of the Trinity,,,
- A Trinity explaination:
---- God consists of 3 Personages
------- Father
------- Son
------- Holy Spirit
---- The relationship to man is:
------- God says,,, “let Us, (all of the Trinity) create man in Our image”
------- We are made of three parts
---------- Brain = memory, IQ, mental abilities
---------- Body = physical being, host for other 2 parts
---------- Soul = personality, spirit
(2) He is the only door that gets you into Heaven-
--- There are no other ways to get into Heaven
--- Satan has his corruptive hands, bringing division and mistrust between all of the different denominations
--- I only hope + pray, that our Lord will send someone that can correct us, and unite His body
--- Most other religions are false
------ No,,, all religion are not the same
------ There are 2 religions that are not like the others
--------- Christianity
--------- Jewish
------ and maybe a third,,, Islam
--- They all trust in the one God
--- They use part of the bible
--- They don’t depend on us, doing good, to become worthy of salvation
--- Satan is behind all the other religeons
------ Satan wants to turn people away from the One True God
------ What Satan wants most, is to hurt God
------ All people hurt God, by not choosing His solution, taking Christ as thier savior
(3) We have no excuse, He has written His signature on al of creation
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