Weapons for battling Satan
John 10:33 we stone you because you make thyself god
Acts 2:36 god made Jesus both lord and christ
Philippians 2:6 who, being in nature god, did not think equal
Proverbs 30:4 what is his name, and the name of his son
Romans 9:5 Christ, who is god over all
Mathew 24:31 his angels shall gather his elect
Mathew 24:34 this generation shall not die, till all these things be fulfilled
Luke 21:36 pray that you may be able to escape
1st Thessalonians 4:17 after, we still alive will be caught up with them
Revelation 3:10 keep you from the hour of temptation
Revelation 4:1 door was open, come up hither
1st Corinthians 15:52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet
Titus 2:13 while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing
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