
This blog is one I have created to start and build up a Pre-Trib Force. This group of Christian believers, believe that we are living in the last days. - This blog, is to help show this unknowing world, just what is about to happen, why and for how long. - Also, I hope to bring many, to the knowledge of how Jesus Christ wants to be their savior. - This also shows other Brothers + Sisters in Christ, fellow believers, the work on the Bible I have been doing, for the past 15 years.

My Photo
Location: Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

Hello, my name is Joe, and I happen to be a middle aged Canadian, who is paralyzed. But I don’t let that, or anything else detract from my joy. My joy of being blessed, with this great gift,,, called life. I have always been a very energetic, easygoing, adventurous, fun loving guy. Oh ya, there is one more, very important qualifying variable about me,,, I happen to be born-again. I would also like to think, that I can be somewhat intelligent, even after the severe closed head injury of my automobile accident, where my heart stopped twice, and they thought me brain dead. I guess the important part is,,, that God was merciful with me, and let me survive !!! -Ever since my youth, I have always been a go-getter, making things happen. In high school I had parties almost every weekend. That, along with a wonderful mother named Hazel, who taught me the true meaningful things of life, not what you have or know, but the attitude you hold and portray, through bad times as well as good. Part of the spirit that my mom instilled in me, was to always try and find a way to see the good in all things,,, and people. I believe in making the best out of things, including the setbacks, (Romans 8:28)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008




I happen to be a 44 year old Canadian man, ....

Who also happens to be paralyzed,,, ....

I have always been, or at least try to be, a very loving person, ....

wanting to, and greatly enjoying, helping others whenever possible, ....

I tend to be a very energetic, a real go getter, the kind that makes things happen, ....

(I have built many camps in the woods, tunnels and forts in snow + hay), ....

(I was always greatly involved in the childhood gangs + groups), ....

(in high school, I had parties at my mom’s home every few weeks,) ....

(I built a 16 foot x 32 foot, by 2 story add on to my mom‘s house,) ....

= in my second year of grade 12 English ....

((I only had to go to English,,, so I worked at carpentry the rest of my day)) ....

(I was a social director at Jones House, UNB - ....Fredericton.... ) ....


I don’t think that I ever believed in this evolution hoax, ....

or as I like to think of it,, EVIL-solUTION,,, lol ....

I think that I have always believed in God, but I just was not sure Who He was, ....

I have always done quite well in my school studies, ....

As I enjoy learning new things, especially math and science, ....

This is because, I like things that I can figure out and prove for myself, ....

You see, He gave me this very inquisitive mind,,, ....

One in which I tend to let get the better of me usually, lol, ....

but I would never complain about this, ....

or any of the gifts that God has equipped me with, ....

I became born again in the late 80’s ....

It was the book "Armageddon", by a fellow Canadian, Grant Jeffrey, ....

He made a pretty convincing argument, ....

that proved God to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....

I was amazed,,, ....

To see that so many prophecies came true, ....

and they even figured out right to the very day,,,,,,, ....

.. ..

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WOW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....

This blew me away,,, and I could hardly believe it, ....

My soft heart was at odds with my mathematical, logical mind, ....

So my critical mind, kept coming up with reasons, why I did not have to believe, ....

like, the reasons that the prophecies were so perfectly fulfilled, ....

was that, the Bible must have been written, or modified, ....

after the prophecies were fulfilled, ....


,,, but then Grant showed me one that happened in our day, ....

that using a previously discovered rule of God, ....

the prophecy of Jesus entering the temple on the correct date, ....

(Luke 19:44) "because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation" ....

could be applied to God‘s previously known rule, ....

(Levitivus 26:18), "And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me," ....

then I will punish you seven times more for your sins." ....

of God only giving a second chance, after 7 times the original duration, ....

to give the date of ....Israel....’s second chance, ....

or more specifically,,, May 15th, 1948,,, ....

That’s right,,, the very date ....Israel.... became a nation !!! ....


I know that I have always been gutsy,(or stupid, lol), ....

and a real bold one sometimes, ....

but this was God, was I out of line or what,,, ....

I asked Him to give me a sign,,,,,,,,,,,, ....

That what I was reading in the Bible, ....

was the really the True Word of God, ....

The most amazing thing was,,, ....

God answered my request, ....

within the same day even, ....


You see I was working on a project, ....

that I had been working on for years, ....

This project, was a video game idea, ....

that was very original at the time, ....

as it was to design the whole game, ....

with 3 dimensional rendering, ....

Unheard of at the time,, the early 80’s ....

mostly because of the computers of the day, ....

As in, they were not fast enough, ....

Nor were they powerful enough yet, ....

to do all that I asked of them, ....


But there was also another problem, ....

that I had to deal with,,, ....

the standard 2 directional joystick, ....

was all that I had to work with, ....

to somehow get all of the intricate controls, ....

of your on-screen arms and hands, ....

that I wanted the player to have, ....


So, He gave me this amazing picture, ....

that I spent the next couple of days, ....

getting it straight enough to put on paper, ....

this new joystick, which had far more controls, ....

than the usual joystick, ....

with like, 7 to 11 times the number, ....

of controllable activating motions, ....






I guess that I now know, why they say "careful what you wish for", ....

As right after I became born again, ....

I made, what I thought was a good prayer.,,,,,,,,,,,, ....

a wish that was aimed towards God, ....

with getting the time for learning more about His Word, ....

I asked God to allow me to be able to spend more time studying His Word,,,,,,, ....

This seemed like an innocent enough request, ....

And I had thought of many great ways to make this happen, ....

One of which was, to allow me to finish creating my video game, ....

Or gettting a patent for one of my joe-stick, ....

or use one of the other unique ideas that He let me conceive, ....


But instead of following any of my great suggestions, (or I thought so,,, lol) ....

And letting one of my unique ideas earn me a sufficient amount of money, ....

to pay for my room and board, and the things that I most need, ....

so that I could devote most all of my time, studying His Word, ....

that way, I could best use this mind which our Father has given me, ....

to look for the many mysteries that are hiding inside His Word, ....

which I believe are soon ready to be revealed, in these Last Days, ....


God All Mighty had a more humbling way of doing this, ....

by letting me become disabled, ....

so that I could no longer do physical labour, ....

and was put on a disability pension, ....

giving me my days and nights, ....

to spend on reading His Word, ....

and getting the time to dig deep, ....

discovering some things that have been lost, ....

as well as things that may have never been understood, ....


I was very disappointed, ....

To not have a mother that was well enough to take care of me at home, ....

and my wife and I had split up, about 6 months earlier, ....

Nor did I have any other friend or family member, that could help me out, ....

I had gotten myself into a mess, that no one else was able to help me with, ....

So, I had only one option,,, ....

I had to go live in a nursing home,,,,,,,, grrrrrrrrrrrrr ....


Which truthfully made logical since, at the time, ....

as I was in quite a mess,,,,,, ....

First off, I died twice, ....

but thankfully I was revived both times,....

.. ..

I was in a comma for weeks,....

and then, even officially declared brain dead, ....

So,,, they cut me off life support,,,,,,,,,,....

but God had more plans for me,....

and had me start breathing on my own,....

.. ..

Waking up, and not being able to speak in sentences, ....

This was mostly because of my severe closed head injury, ....

which left me so I could only say the odd word here and there, ....

so at least at first, I needed some serious help. ....


But soon, I discovered that my home was more like a prison than I knew, ....

as it was about two or three years later, ....

after I had acquired most of the life skills for living on my own back, ....

I found out that I was not allowed to live out on my own, ....

( this was while I was passing courses at the local NSCC = (college)) ....


You see, although I tend to buck against most all rules, ....

especially if I feel that someone is being wronged, ....

but I tend not to like to cause waves, ....

and usually tried not to push things, ....

while trying to keep people smiling, ....

especially with the people that I had to live with, ....


It took them making me extremely angry, ....

by doing me a serious blatant wrong, ....

that forced me to feel that I had to look into this scene deeper, ....

you see, I was steamed, to think that, ....

I had to let them get away with it, ....

as they wronged me in a very sly way, ....


They did this by cancelling the bus that I had specifically booked, ....

to take me back within the 30 day grace period,,,,,,,, ....

It was not until after many years,,,,,,,, ....

that I learned the reasoning for their decission, ....

They considered me "incompetent", !!!!!!!!!!!! ....

because of my lack of short term memory I suspect, ....


So,,, I looked the word up on the www, ....

to finding out that it meant, ....

A mentally chalenged person, that could not,....

even score over an 85 on an IQ test, ....


Even without ever taking an IQ Test, ....

I was sure that I could pass this score, ....

so I took a few free tests, on-line, ....

I was not only capable of passing them,,, ....

But I scored past the score they were accurate for, ....


God is good,,, (Romans ..8:28..)....

He turned my being wronged, (freedom)....

and the only way I could gain it, (IQ Test)....

into revealing to me one real blessing, ....

by showing me how He has already blessed me,....

.. ..

I have since moved, out into an apartment, ....

where I was getting myself out into the real world, ....

and soon, I got an even better place to live, ....

I moved into a house, with my lovely wife, ....

and she is a fantastic life partner, ....

to fight life’s struggles along side of, ....

Yes, I speak of an awesome co-worker and friend, ....

because she’s a fellow believer in Christ,,, ....


I have been able to get the time to, ....

discover many enlightening things about His Word, ....

with this mind that I have received from my Lord, ....

some of things included are,,, ....

(1) - I try not to use the words "I am", ....

as I have come to believe that this is the Name of God. ....

because in Exodus ..3:14.. God says: ....

"Thus shalt thou say unto the children of ....Israel...., I AM hath sent me unto you." ....


(2) - I know that the Trinity is a problem for many people, ....

so I asked for some enlightenment, ....

and I believe that the good Lord has shown me, ....

a good way of explaining the Trinity doctrine,,, ....

stating GOD as compared to man ....

the Godhead is a Trinity ....

and man is also made in three parts ....

Father = mind = in power, intelligence, memory ....

Son = body = your frame, the part that feels, does + ....

(this contains the mind + soul) - verse = ? ....

Holy Spirit = soul = personality, temperament, emotions ....


(3) - Since becoming "born again", I have always known in my heart, ....

that we are the last generation spoken of, ....

in the Bible, that will get to see Christ return, ....

in all of His Glory and Power, ....

and I was always looking for the proof, ....

to show both believers, and non believers, ....

just how close His coming was,,, ....


Now,,,, please repeat this argument, which I have shown you,,, ....

Spread this around to all the people that you know, ....

as I cannot see why no one has seen this before, ....

please trust me, as I can give you lots of, ....

Bible verses, and solid strong proof, ....

so that you can do your own calculation of the dates and times, ....