my 20/20 Vision
Hey guys + gals, ....
Here is something that I feel is very important, ....
I want to eventually have this argument correctly worded,....
and then send it to all the web churches that I can think of, ....
to see if they know how I could be in error,,, ....
or,,,,,,,,,,, is this really the Truth, ....
There is a deadline for the return of Christ, ....
as in,,, ....
a date that Christ must come back before,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....
This is just the start of a letter,....
to send out the alarm call,,,,,,,,,,, ....
I would like it if you could assist me in this project, ....
I would like to get as much help as I can,....
In the editing that this letter will need,,, ....
pleasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....
This is what I have come to call, ....
"MY 2020 VISION" ....
.. ..
The reason for this date setting title, ....
Although I hesitate to say these words, ....
as there is such a stigmatism with date setting, ....
But,,, I see this as important, ....
and feel an urgent necessity, ....
for this news to get out, ....
I feel an urgency for us Christians to know this info,,, ....
I believe God’s timing is getting very near, ....
and I have discovered these hard facts,,, ....
about there being a certainty, ....
Why Christ simply MUST return,,, before the year 2020. ....
It also has duel meaning,,, ....
as 20/20 is perfect vision,,, ....
(with my +5 bottle bottom glasses, this is sure not from me,,, lol) ....
My Christian Brother/Sister, ....
Sorry for the length of this letter, ....
but I feel that these words are all, ....
of the utmost importance for you to hear, ....
First, I will share with you a quick list of my beliefs, ....
and then move straight to what I think needs to come out,,, NOW !!! ....
I will attempt to do this, with logic, and the details about His Word, ....
I believe that God wants the deadline to come out into the light, ....
Then I will show you a list of all the mathematics and Bible verses, ....
that brought me to these startling conclusions,,, ....
one that I have trouble seeing why no one has seen before. ....
Lastly, I will tell you a little bit more about myself, ....
to give you a better idea of just who this warrior is. ....
To make things quicker to refer to, easier for reading, ....
and to let you easily get to the most important parts, ....
I have colored the most important stuff in red,,,,,,,,, ....
For easier referencing and quicker reading, ....
Please,,,,, read this through, and do not just rashly cast it aside,. ....
passing me off as just another fanatic, ....
ranting about something that I know nothing about. ....
I may be a fanatic,,,,,, but I have become a fanatic about God, ....
so I try to use this energizing feeling, ....
in the most productive way for God’s Kingdom. ....
I try to read His Word daily, usually studying it intensely, ....
believing only the prophecies that can be found in the Bible. ....
I want to share with you, a few things that I believe, ....
and then some things that I believe the Almighty GOD has shared with me,....
He blesses me, so that I can be a blessing to others,....
But I want you to first know a few rather important things about me, ....
things which may help you, be able to better know my heart + mind, ....
I also hope that you will pray to our Father, ....
and ask Him to show you where I speak the truth, ....
As well as, He may point out to you, where I may be in error, ....
and then you can inform me of my errors,....
because this is a very serious subject,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....
I need, and want to have someone proofing my writing, ....
so that I do not lead my fellow Christian brothers and sisters astray, ....
My beliefs are: ....
. There is a real God = God does exist, He created this world, He is love, and He is the God of the bible, ....
. He is a personal God, and lives within me = in the form of the Holy Spirit, ....
. Jesus is God, = Emmanuel, God with us, (Mathew ..1:23..) ....
. the Trinity is Truth = I believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all One God, ....
. I believe in the pre-trib rapture, that will happen before the 7 Hebrew years of tribulation ....
. The Holy Bible is truly the inerrant Word of God, there are no mistakes, only mistranslations, ....
. The earth is only about 6000 years old, the layers in the earth were layered in the flood, ....
. The Bible Code is Truth, and who knows how much of His-story is recorded there, ....
. We are now living in the "End Times", or the time just before Christ’s imminent return, ....
. Aliens are real = they are not more evolved than us though, they are fallen angels: ....
There is something that I have been feeling troubled about,,,,,,,,,, ....
I call this my 20/20 Vision, as ....
it involves Christ's retorn before the year 2020. ....
This thought came to me about a month ago, ....
while I was thinking about the verse about how we would know when His coming was near, ....
and the part about how ....
I believe that we are the generation that will not have to experience death. ....
I was convinced, that God would give us fair warning, of just how close His coming was. ....
Most everyone knows about the verse Mathew 24:36, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man,,,", when speaking the date of Christ's return. But the verse that I want to discuss, is Mathew 24:33, where it says ....
"So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.". ....
This door might represent "a deadline", ....
or must "happen by" date,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....
I want to learn Greek, to see how all of His Word was first written,,, ....
but especially I wish to view and understand this verse, about us being able to know that the time is near. ....
I think that He is telling us that we can KNOW how close it is, by giving us the deadline,,, or showing us the door,,, but we still don't know when His Knock will come, (rapture). ....
And this deadline,(door) can be found,,, ....
and I think that He wants this knowledge to come out. ....
We can find this deadline because it says, ....
"we shall know the generation,,," ....
By starting from the date of ....Israel.... regaining control of ....Jerusalem...., = (as it is part of "see all these things"), ....
which was the summer of 1967. ....
Then, calculating the duration of a generation by taking Christ's linage of 14,14+14 generations- ....
(Mathew 1:17). ....
This gives us a "generatiom" eaqual to 51.6 years. ....
I used this duration of time as it was the same duration used to accurately predicted the date, ....
..May 14, 1948.., ....
as the rebirth of Isreal = ( taken from the book "Armigeddon" by Grant Jeffery ) ....
So,,, now we take 1967.5-6, and then add the 51.6 years for the generation, ....
where it is said "this generation shall not pass". ....
That gives an end date of 2019.1 to 2019.2,,, ....
but certainly this mustl happen before the year 2020,,, ....
hince the name "20/20 Vision",,, like perfect vision,,, ....
not that I could ever claim that I had perfect vision, ....
with the size of my glasses lenses,,, lol. ....
Since we know that all Bible prophecy speaks the Truth, as the Bible is the Word of God, ....
It m date anyway, lol,,, We can know this, because we know that all Bible ust come prophecy must be TRUTH, and no prophecy can miss. ....
. Your Bro, ....
. . joe ....
PS: I will also incude what I have in an earlier letter, that gives you a little of my history ....
(could I get any input you have, good or bad, as I always appreciate any help that I can get) ....
(especially since what I want most,,, is to be informative, while explaining the logic to my thinking,, on the surety we can have in His Word) ....
-------------------------------------------------- ....
14 + 14 + 14 = 42 generations ....
2,167 = Birth of Abraham. ....
(- 536.4) ??? ....
/42 = ....
51.595 = genation,,, ....
not the 51.4, which I thought it was, ....
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