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… Hello, my name is Joe Lynch, and I is a middle aged Canadian, who also happens to be paralyzed. (I know that “I is” is not correct English wording,,, but I try not to use God’s name in vain = [Exodus 20:7], the 3rd Commandment,,, because God told Moses His name in Exodus 3:14,,, “I AM hath sent me unto you”). But I don’t even consider, letting that, or anything else in life, detract from my experiencing the joy of His gift of life. The joy of being so blessed,,, to get a chance to take part in the design of His Mind=(Father), creation of His Hand=(Son), and even getting the chance to experience His presents=(Holy Spirit), throughout this wondrous eternal journey. In short, I happen to be extremely thankful towards God, for being given this awesome gift of life. This can be most evident in my way of being very energetic, easygoing, adventurous, fun loving, and excited about life. Oh ya,,, there is one more very important thing about me,,, or should I say it’s something that I was blessed enough, to get the chance to experience. This was something that changed my whole world,,, surely for the better. I would have to state that it exponentially effected my appreciation of our existence, in this extraordinary space-time continuum, that we call life’s reality. I had the privilege of meeting God,,, or should I say, that I have learned to recognize His Signature.
… I don’t know about you, but I was not accustomed to seeing His Handwork. It was His Signature, fulfilled Bible prophecy, which drew my logical mind into blowing off Satan’s dark shade of deception. The devil’s deception about life,,, where he tries to hide the proofs of our creation, reasons for our existence, and the purpose of our being here. This hold, which Satan has ensnared on the world around us, happens to be very seductively crafted, and seemingly all encompassing. I say seemingly, because if anyone takes the time and effort, to honestly and open heartedly look into these deceptions, they will see them for the true paper walls that they are. I say paper walls, because of the thin shreds of false evidence, which evolution is all based on. Once you take a truthful look at things, I can promise you, that you will see how clear God makes His Truth, and your perspective on life will change. You will easily be able to see how great His gift of life can be, learn His methods to improve what blessings you experience, as well as learning the joy of being able to be a blessing to others.
… It was the prophecy that can be found in every Bible, even from ones dated hundreds, and even thousands of years ago, about Israel’s rebirth. The Jewish people were back on the map, becoming a nation,,, on the exact day it was prophesized. It was the fact that prophecy was fulfilled in our life times (May 14, 1948), which blew me away,,, and started on this new journey. It took me about two weeks, of trying in every way I could think of, to get around these facts,,, but I had no more excuses,,, and believe me, I tried every one,,, lol. I had become born-again on that revelation,,, this blew my mind,,, discovering that logic said “there was indeed a God”, for only God can consistently tell you about the future. Knowing Him, and learning more about His Word every day, always brings me great joy, in all situations. I would also like to think, that He has blessed me with being somewhat intelligent. This is even after my many accidents, and especially my closed head injury, in the same accident where I was paralyzed. This was when my heart stopped twice, and they later thought that I was brain dead. They gave up on me, and talked about pulling the plug,,, the plug on the machines that were keeping me alive!!! But I heard that I started breathing on my own, the day before, they were thinking of taking me off life support. So I guess that it’s now true,,, what people have been telling me all my life,,, that I must be brain damaged,,, lol.
… I have also been told, that I'm not too hard to look at,,, lol, which is just one more reason, for me to be thankful to my Lord. Ever since my youth, I have always been a go-getter, making things happen. In my elementary school years, I was blessed to have a friend who lived on a farm, where I built a nest of hay tunnels, for playing tag in. Of course I was rarely ever “it”, because I knew where all the hidden tunnels, and secret camps were,,, lol. In high school I was blessed to have a mother that let me have parties almost every weekend. I guess that I never let school become so difficult, that I could not find time to have fun. As in, I always finished just enough homework to get me by,,, lol. That, along with a wonderful mother named Hazel, who taught me the true meaningful things of life,,, which were not what you have or know, but the attitude you hold and portray, through bad times as well as good.
… Part of the spirit that my mom instilled in me, was to always try and find a way to see the good in all things, and people. I try to learn from my mistakes, and use any of the setbacks to my advantage. I believe in making the best out of things, including our setbacks, (like Romans 8:28). For instance, I failed English class, and had to stay back a year from university. So I used the time to do something for my mom,,, as well as for myself,,, of course, lol. I built a 16’ X 32’ X 2 story place to work, play, and live, onto the side of my mom’s house. I managed to do this in the extra time that I had off from school, because of being able to get in good with the teachers and office staff. I managed to work it out so that I only had to go to the one class a day,,, yessssss.
… I have tried my hand at college,,, three times: first – one and a half years of Electrical Engineering at UNB in Fredericton, then – one year of Computer Graphics Specialist at COGS in Laurencetown. Now – I’m about half way through a two year diploma of Information Technology, at NSCC here in Truro, to learn the insides, and how computers do what they do. I again used my setbacks to my advantage, and even have the government pay the tuition + books for me to go. Then by the EAPD disability provision of the government, I've even gained two grants to buy myself these computers, desktop and laptop, that I'm working/playing on, to write these words. Now that’s what I call using my disabilities to my advantage,,, lol
… I figure that I should have realized long ago, that there was a real God, One that was looking out for us, even before we knew about His existence, or believed in Him. It was either that, or I was part cat, and had 9 lives,,, lol. One of my many accidents that I had was with one of my motorbikes. Some lady pulled out of her driveway, right in front of me. I could not believe that she did not see me, or even look my way. I had no time, nor distance to slow down, or even swerve, so I t-boned her car, between the front + back door. I tried to jump, but I still hit the roof at waist level, at about 70km/h. The bike and I flew up and over the car, and skid about 100 to 200 feet down the road.
… I can’t even come close to explaining the feeling, of having both of your hips being ripped out of their sockets. The hip pain was intense, sometimes excruciating, and ever present from that day on, even on the maximum dose of painkiller, (only codeine) which they would allow me to have. I do not have a tendency to complain, nor did I apparently have the ability to vocalize how intense, constant and agonizing the pain was. I guess that is why my doc did not take the intensity of my pain serious. It was permanent, and my life would never be the same again. So I did what everybody told me to do, and sued the driver, for all that did for me. Of the money that they settled for, I did not see very much of it myself. Oh well, at least it bought me a nice red sports car to go to the United States, on my honeymoon,,, lol.
… I'm so thankful for my knowing God, before my last two automobile accidents. Especially the one in the late 80’s, which damaged my hips, causing me immense pain, and affecting my will to live, and the joy of being alive. The other was in the summer of 1996, which left me paralyzed, and thankfully stopped my pain,,, at least for a short time. If it were not for knowing God, I would surely not have survived, the twice when my heart stopped, and the time they thought that I was brain dead, and wanted to pull the plug on me. They wanted to turn off the machines,,, the machines that were keeping me alive!!! My brother told me, that the reason that he knew that I was still inside my body, was that he saw something in my face, that he had never seen before,,, FEAR. I should say, that I would probably not have wanted to survive either accident, if I did not know Christ. But now I know, what life’s purpose is,,, learning about, and teaching others about God. In doing this, we can help spread His Word, His love for us, as well as help us be better able to love each other. This way, we can enjoy Him and His creation, as much as He enjoys us.
… I took comfort in His Word, and was coming to a greater belief in, this hard times on earth being a mere needle prick,,, when we consider eternity. I have since thought, of how it is really a blessing, to be given these needle pricks, gaining the strength and will, to be able to endure these hardships. One of the best parts about growing through these hard times, is that you gain immunities, that you can transfuse to others, as you now have the empathy to help others through similar hard times. My first major accident was the one that gave me the ability to understand others pain, by causing me to learn what it was like to endure constant pain, to varying degrees of intensity. Then there is the second major accident, that took away the pain, unfortunately only for a while,,, but also took away the use of my legs. This was an injury that made me dependant on others, and showed me how to relate to others in need. An injury that I still believe He is going to heal me of, before the Rapture. This way, I may be seen walking again, bringing Him glory, and helping others faith grow.
… Both accidents took more than I had in me, to be able to accept, and learn to live with. I was finding it difficult to handle all the problems that came alone with them. But my Lord is faithful,,, He comforted me, and gave me the extra strength that I needed, to not only get back into life, but do it with a smile on my face, peace in my heart, and positives thoughts in my mind. We should feel blessed, when we have to endure hardships, as one of the reasons for doing this, is for us to gain empathy for others, and giving us the ability to help others, who are going through similar troubles. We can be sure, that He will give us the strength to handle all that we will endure in life, (sorry cant find the verse). We should always remember, that they are only His promptings, to drive us closer to Him. His is merely telling us that we are ready for the next step, as He wants to grow us up to our fullest abilities.
… I must state, that I do truly believe in God,,, with all my being,,, the God of the bible, the only true God. I believe that He created us, and truly loves us; even the ones who choose to ignore Him, or go against His wishes. I also believe that He wrote every Word, every jot and title in the Holy Bible, using human hands, as His pen. I love logic, which told me, if God really existed, He would somehow make it clear to us, out of all the religions in this misguided world, which one was True, and His Words. I believed that He would make it very clear, and the Bible was surely the front contender, with all of the Truth that it has in it. I think that the Bible has proved itself very worthy, of being used for a life manual, showing right and wrong behavior,,, (10 Commandments, medical and nutritional advice, morals, and much more,). This is also accompanied by it’s vast proven historical accuracy. But more convincing, are all of the fulfilled prophecies,,, and then there is the Bible Code,,, which is beyond any explanation. They are both very real, and truly work,,, just take an honest look at either of them,,,,, this will change your life,,,,,, for the better.
… I was born in February of 1964, and then born again in the late 80’s. My first love is Jesus, and I study His Word often, (I try to every day,,, it is fun and fulfilling to me), but I still hope that in His plans, there is room for a close second,,, (as in a girl), lol. The accident did not seem to slow me down much; I can still be quite active, as I like the outdoors, and I usually only sleep about 3-6 hours a night, and some nights not at all. The way I figure it, there is not enough hours in the day, to be wasting a third of it sleeping,,, right!!!,,, lol. I enjoy most movies, and music, but I have all but given up on the mind numbing effects of TV, and use it more as a background entertainment, while doing something else,,, lol. I like to talk, about lots of things, things that I know something about, and things I don’t know anything about. I always like to learn new things; after all, I think that is one of the reasons that we are here on earth, to learn things, including right from wrong. I figured, with these websites, that I might even be blessed to get the chance to teach others, some of the lessons I’ve learned. This way people would not have to learn things the hard way,,, a way in which I have become very good at,,, lol.
… He has blessed me with so many things, that I can only hope that He will show me, how to use them for some good purposes,,, His purpose. One of the seeds, (gifts) that He has put inside me, is the ability to write, or so I have been told,,, lol. This is a blessing that I have just recently been discovering, and trying to cultivate. He has granted me the ability to put my words together, in a way that others can adequately read and understand. It is amazing how He works in us, as before my accident, I detested writing, and most all of the things in my English class. Maybe that was my reason for failing it in high school, grade 11 + 12,,,, lol. This was because He blessed me with the ability to be a fair speaker, and I found great pleasure in talking,,, to much so, some would state,,, lol, You see, He graced me with the ability to think quick, enough that while I was conversing with another, I could alter my wording, and delivery of what I was saying, with how they portrayed their understanding. I attempted to gauge their ability to follow my words, through facial and body expressions, as well as any verbal input that they might care to share with me. Although I rarely hear it, I even have heard, and quickly take the hint, when I hear “I’m not interested”,,, lol.
… I was also given the talents to draw, another way of expressing myself, for displaying and creating unique things on paper, so others can get a look at it.. My only problem is, getting the ideas from the theoretical concepts of my mind, and transforming them into a substance in the real world,,, lol. Changing ideas into a form with substance and practicality,,, that is where I seem to find the problem. I seem to have a problem with getting things off the drawing board, and into an item that you can hold in your hand. I always seam to be losing the steam, because of lack of sufficient resources and funds.
… I have many things on the shelf, waiting only for His timing. Just a few of them are: I have a new type of joystick, with many times, (7-11 times) the activating mechanisms of the regular one, (which is only two). This mechanism effectively measure the three dimensional movements of most every motion that any part of your hand can make. I have done what I thought best, and put it in His hands, by giving it to my church. Where He can choose, when the time is, to inspire my pastor to patent it, thereby providing His body, with some of the funding to produce an end time harvest. I even have a few ideas on how to gain environmentally friendly, renewable sources of energy, from God’s own creation,,, like gravitational, magnetic, and biophysics,,, because these forces that are free, and ever present. Unfortunately, I have no way of testing these out, or get anybody to take me serious enough, to test them for me.
--- I also have ideas that I'm not sure that He would like for me to share,,, like: An electronic communication and info collecting and storage system, for every participant in the military conflict perimeter. This unit would be armored as well as being integrated to any of their own personal body armor. This unit would be connected to a full body electrical harness that would have strategically placed, friction fit, automatically connecting sockets, that would connect to all vehicles, equipment, tools, weapons or defensive devices that this individual ever used. Not only recording all of the battle tactics used against/by each type of opponent, and monitoring all weapons and equipment both sides wielded, and the results of their uses. This unit would immediately uploading the soldiers preferences in settings, to all devices, vehicles, or smart weapons that he touched. Efficiently making the soldier the most effective that he or she could be, in the positions that they found their selves required of, at that particular moment in time,,, as “battle time” can vary from second to second. This would not only make them more versatile, but more effective and integrated, but with a small transmitting and receiving device, they could all share the battle info, about what weapons works best against each opponent, in real time.
--- Some of my greatest enjoyments in life, are math, logic, science, and factual provable truths,,, I like things that you can work out for yourself, through logic and mathematical calculations, through laws of math, nature, chemistry and physics, to prove it for your own self. He has given us an amazing brain, which I heard that we only use ten percent of. I think that He would like us to use it more, instead of taking what we see in our books as Gospel,,, maybe we should be questioning everything.. God says that He has written His moral laws on our heart, (sorry that I don’t have the scripture passages, but check back, because I will keep working on it). I believe this, internally we know when we do right and wrong. How did these feelings evolve. I thought that if there was a real God, then there had to be a way to prove it. I found a book that changed my life,,, “Armageddon”, by Grant Jeffrey. This book held the proof that I needed, numerous fulfilled prophecies. All these prophecies are well documented. The greatest prophecy was the one that stated the time that the Christ would come to this earth, to save the Jewish people, and to the rest of humanity. Jesus came into Jerusalem, on the exact day, that was a prophecy hundreds of years earlier, (sorry I don’t have the verse, but I will retrieve later). It went further though, even to our modern day, predicting that the nation of Israel would come back into existence. It even predicted the very day, May 15, 1948,,, I had no more need to search, the Bible proved itself the True Word of God.
--- I know that you’ve heard that Christianity is all about faith, and I don’t mind saying, that words like “blind faith” made my skin crawl. I live in the real world, where if you are blind, somebody will take advantage of you, and lead you astray. Then I became born-again, let me tell you what being born-again is like,,, It is being excited about life, like never before,,, being full of peace, joy, contentment, comfort,,, and everything is new. It is truly like being born again, into the knowledge of what life is truly all about. You look at all things in a different way, your priorities change, and you can find great joy, and marvel, even in the littlest of things. It is truly a new birth, into an eternity of knowing for sure, that all things will work out for the best, (Romans 8:28). This is because we have His Word, which can always be trusted,,, fulfilled prophecy proves that. Now I have trust, and am gaining more faith, as time goes by, and I see that He is not capable of any lies,,, sometime the truth hurts, but it helps your growth. Just think about it,,, the Bible has never been able to be proven wrong. Don’t you think that this secular world, if it found some error in His Word, they would have run it on every TV channel and news paper, from here to Tim-buck-two. Trust me, the world is in for a dramatic change, maybe before the year 2011, (I calculated this from “the [50 year] generation that sees all these things, shall not pass”, [including Jerusalem in Jewish hands, which happened in 1967 + 50 – 7 year of tribulation = 2010 = latest timing of the rapture). The lies about there not being any flood, Satan's lies about evolution being the creator of man, and the false scientific studies about age of the earth. I hope that these will all be soon shown to be only flimsy “theories”,,, I only pray, that He will bless me, to have a part in it..
--- I like to laugh, joke around a lot, and like a lot of people, get my digs in; but only in fun, and not with people that take it too seriously. I can be quite witty at times, and then very serious, when it's needed. I do still drink occasionally, and smoke pot a bit. I'm just born again, and have not died to “self” yet, and I still have far to go, with my struggles and killing bad desires. I smoke pot, and take meds as painkillers, and I only take a drink sometimes, when offered.
"all things are lawful for me," (I Cor 6:12)
--- I think that I have met someone, on-line and from Brazil. She loves my Jesus, and like me, she loves most all of His creation,,, including wanting to increase the number of His children. She promises to come and visit me, so that we can start our new life together, in Christ
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